Meet Our Complete Titration Solution for Titratable Acidity (TA)
Are you looking to make your testing life easier? At Hanna, we make automating your testing simple and convenient. Take your lab to the next level with our Titratable Acidity Titration Package. What's included you ask?
Everything you need for testing TA including:• Our Automatic Titrator System (HI931TA) via Acidity AOAC 942.15B Method
• Electrode
• Calibration buffers, solutions, and more
PLUS, with Hanna you get the support you need! From help with installation and training to optimizing your methods, we keep you testing at your best.
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Small Footprint
We understand that in a busy lab, space is valuable. With this in mind, we designed our new generation to have a 50% smaller footprint allowing for easy integration. Use the space you save to fully optimize your benchtop and increase productivity.

Flexible Electrode Holder
A Flexible Electrode Holder can hold up to 3 electrodes, 4 tubes, and 1 temperature probe. Use electrodes with different diameters simply by changing the electrode guide. Create the best tube alignment for your titration with a rotating holder.

Exchangeable Burette System
With Hanna's Clip-Lock™ burette feature, it only takes a few seconds to exchange titrants and reagents preventing cross-contamination. You will hear an audible clicking sound ensuring that the Clip-Lock is securely in place.