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New Digital Optical DO Meter from Hanna

Introducing the All New Digital Optical DO Meter from Hanna

Upgrade to Hanna's Optical DO Meter for a better measuring experience.


Low Maintenance. Rugged Design. Simple Operation.

Our all new opdo™ (HI98198) field meter combines our rugged meter design with an advanced optical sensor to create the new best choice for optical DO measurement.
Just $1,450 for meter, probe, and field kit.



Low Maintenance

Our optical DO meter requires minimal maintenance and upkeep. With this meter there are no membranes or electrolyte needed so the DO probe is always ready for testing. The smart cap only needs to be replaced annually and the meter will notify you at the time of expiration. You can also calibrate this meter less frequently helping you to save time. 


Smart Cap Technology

An optical DO probe with Smart Cap Technology eliminates costly membranes and solutions. With automatic cap recognition, our smart caps feature a built-in RFID reader that stores important calibration data. 

