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New Generation of Titrators

Welcome to the new generation
of Titrators from Hanna

Engineered to meet or exceed your technical requirements while delivering a lower
cost of ownership. Designed for the modern lab, these titrators are the perfect fit for your
testing environment.


 Thoughtfully Designed. Easy Integration. Fully Supported.
Starting at 



Meet the new generation

Set a new standard for titration with Hanna's new automatic titrator series. With cutting-edge features packed into a compact design, these titrators deliver accurate results and require less space in the lab.Titrate for a variety of published methods at the push of a button. 


Small Footprint 

We understand that in a busy lab, space is valuable. With this in mind, we designed our new generation to have a 50% smaller footprint allowing for easy integration. Use the space you save to fully optimize your benchtop and increase productivity. 


Smaller footprint